Chapter three

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                                                         Chapter Three 


Teruko looked up at the school. U.A... The school she's been dreaming to go to since she was a little kid. Excitement  and nervousness had overtaken her body.
 Watching the many kids pass by her, one in particular had dropped a paper behind them. This caught her eye almost immediately. Teruko had bent down to grab the paper gently. Making sure to not crumble it. It was a information paper. Every student that would like to attend to U.A. needed one. For the privacy of her peers, maybe it was best if she didn't look through it. Dragging her eyes off the paper she saw a tall well built boy. His backpack was open and his fist were jammed in his pockets. That is the guy who dropped this paper! Teruko trotted behind him only to reach out and tap his shoulder. She watched him tense under her touch. She didn't scare him did she?

Shoto turned around to face the smaller figure. She had dirty blonde hair, Dark brown eyes and a large smile. That face seemed oddly familiar. He was trying to rewind memories to remember though. 

Teruko began to speak. "Your backpack is open and A paper fell! I was going to return-" She looked up at him only to pause. The dual-colored hair. Those heterochromia eyes. It couldn't be.. "Shoto?!" Teruko lost her smile and it was over taken by a lightly shocked face. 

Shoto breathed in steadily. She knows me? but how? I don't know her. Todoroki asked himself over and over again inside of his head. Keeping his expressionless face in the process. "Do I know you?" He asked coldly. 

Teruko nodded her head quickly. "It's me Teruko! remember! We were friends as kids!" She seemed to be tearing up at the sight of her friend. 

That's when it hit him. Teruko...the girl who would play with me when no one would. The girl that my mother adored. The girl that was friends with me for years.. The girl that my father shut out of my life. "Teruko?" That expressionless face was changed when she wrapped her arms around his waist to give him a hug. 

Teruko felt him tense as she pulled him into the embrace, but she didn't want to let go. He was finally here now. "I've missed you so much Shoto." She tried her best to hold back the tears but it just didn't work. She lost badly. She allowed them to slither down her face. The tears slowly did as they requested. "Where have you been all these years? What happened?" Teruko asked softly. He had a scar now. A more manly face. And he was actually taller now. Well of course. The only memory you had of him was when he was short. Many things have changed. 

Shoto didn't really like this embrace. It put a weird feeling in his gut. After all these years, he has finally met with her again. Coincidence? All of this was happening to quickly it made him sorta dizzy.  To calm himself, Shoto sighed quietly. "I suspect you want a answer but the exams start in thirty minutes. The time we have is way to short for me to explain what happened." He responded in the same cold manner he did before. 

Teruko pulled away from him. Her cheeks grew a light red from the tears of happiness. "You're phone number? We could talk on the phone!" Teruko brought up happily. "Unless, you don't feel comfortable in doing so." She murmured mostly to herself.

Shoto thought about it for a few seconds. It was the least he could do for now. "Right.." He grabbed his phone and opened it to the 'add new contact' setting. "Go ahead." Todoroki handed her his phone politely. 

Teruko grabbed the phone in a gentle manner and typed in her phone number.  She hit 'save' only to smile at the thought. She was in his contact list now. "Thank you Shoto." The small girl bowed respectfully. She did try hard to not stare at his scar around his eye. He probably got enough stares. So out of respect she didn't ask. Though, What was so bad for that to possibly happen? Teruko didn't get to into thought. But before she did she just remembered his backpack was unzipped.  "Oh and!" Teruko walked behind him to zip up his backpack. "I'll see you later!" That big smile had grown back onto her face just before she had waved and turned around to walk towards the entrance.
Shoto was secretly hoping if she did make it, they both would be in the same class. As he began his way to the entrance. He began to remember the times they spent together. It took him a minute to remember since it was so long ago. One in particular had gotten him though.  The way she had returned his paper. It was the same way she returned his All Might figure when they were both little. The sweet old memory of his siblings and his mother. They were so fond of her. What would his mother think now? She would be proud that Teruko is aiming for her goal. It was a big one of hers. To be at the top. Just like All Might. It came back to him. How much she would talk about going here to become the greatest hero. She wanted to help people. That's what inspired Shoto as a child. Not any super hero. But... Teruko.


Teruko had on a comfortable outfit. At least something that wouldn't be in her way while she fought. It was a tight All Might t-shirt. She's not that big of a fangirl... Well, maybe a bit too obsessed with her hero.  Aside from that, she had on grey shorts that fell a little below her upper thighs. Teruko was focusing herself. The cinnamon bun was to busy in her thoughts to notice she was shaking. No need to be nervous right? It's just a test. It's just a test. Teruko told herself over and over again. Maybe stretching will calm my nerves. She considered many times before stretching her left leg out beside her. Teruko then brought her right arm over the side of her head and leaned to the left side. She continued to stretch until Present Mic announced that the test is beginning. What now?!? Why can't we!- Teruko's thought was cut off when she was pushed by the crowd into the Arena. Dang! Dang! Dang!  The young female announced in her head. Right! Stay focused. C'mon Teruko, the decisions you make now will determine you're future!  Teruko narrowed her brows and rushed out into the rest of the city. Looking for her first point. What none?! But- Her thought was interrupted when a 2 pointer had rolled in front of her. Since it is coming straight forward, the best she could do now is use her wind. Teruko inhaled sharply before leading her hand in front of her. A strong wind pushing the robot into the air. This is my chance!  Teruko bawled her hand into a fist and watched the robot that was high in the air suddenly drop to the ground and break. A smile tugged at her lips. Pride mentally gave her a big hug as she continued through the streets. A 3 pointer and two robots worth one point had seemed to spot her. It takes her at least 3 seconds to push a strong enough wind that would make these robots go into the air. Teruko could do the same thing but it would be more tricky since the two smaller ones are closer. Many conclusions ran through her head. Then she finally got it! Teruko dodged the first attack of the small robot and heated up her other hand. A bright light came from her hand once she got closer. Not even her highest temperature can melt this robot, but destroy the camera in which it sees through. Teruko was finally close enough to jump towards the robot and touch the camera with her burning hand. This melted it slightly, making it harder for the robot to spot her. There was still one more!- She was cut off due to the three pointer hitting her in the torso. The force was hard enough to send her flying back into the middle of the street. Teruko got the breath knocked out of her as she hit the hard road grimly. I forgot about that one. How?  She scrambled to her feet and pushed her hand in front of her. A harsh wind pushing the three robots into the air. While Teruko still gathered her breath she clinched her fist and watched the three robots fall to the ground with a loud clatter. So much for trying to use that heat power. It's not like she could of blinded the robots. She still needed to do much more. This wasn't the end yet! Teruko relaxed her hand once the wind had picked her up off the ground and rushed her through the streets. 

As time passed Teruko was at 38 points already. She was growing really tired in the short period that was remaining. Something had awoken her because her eyes widen, when the image of a large robot came in front of her. Run is what repeated in her head constantly. So, she did dash away with the other kids. But passed the small kid she had took note of before. He wasn't running at all. What was he doing?!  Teruko told herself to help him but her body pushed her forward in disapproval. That was until she noticed the small girl from earlier. She was stuck! Teruko do something! Help her!  but with all her strength she couldn't turn back. Her body and mind were having a argument as she starred at the brunette. That was until she saw the small boy leap into action. He jumped forward at the giant robot with his arm raised and his elbows locked in place. Teruko's eyes sparkled in amazement as she watched him take out the robot back in one hit. 


Teruko finally arrived home. She walked onto the porch and literally dragged herself to the door. Man, she was extremely tired from today. Her body ached, her head was throbbing in pain, and every step she took a sharp pain was sent through her side. Teruko grabbed the doorknob gently and pushed open the door. The familiar figure was on the couch reading a book. Her mother looked just like Teruko. She had blonde hair though. Her quirk is the light power that was carried down onto Teruko. The small girl closed the door behind her. A smell of warm stew seemed to be settling the pain in her head. 

The click of the door brought Ikuko's attention to the doorway. The figure of her daughter made her smile happily. "Teruko! How did it go?!" She closed her book quickly and got up off the couch. Ikuko made her way over to Teruko and helped her with her belongings that was weighing her down.

Teruko kept the tired smile plastered on her face. "Great actually!" She hummed quietly. A breeze of relief hit her when the weight from her stuff was now finally gone. "I got a really high score. Well, not as high as some other kids but. It was still pretty good!" Teruko voiced highly. When taking a big inhale of the air of the house, her body was warmed up. "What are you making?" The scent smelled familiar but she couldn't guess what the soup was. 

Ikuko rubbed Teruko's back before walking to the kitchen to check up on the soup. "Your favorite type of soup! Onion soup!" The nice mother cheered sweetly. "Before you eat anything though. Go bathe and take care of whatever you prefer. You still have a few minutes until the soup is finished!" She flashed Teruko a smile before attending to the soup.
Teruko did as her mother asked. She walked down the hallway towards her room. That's when it hit her. "Wait mom!" She turned back towards her mother. "Do you remember Shoto.. Todoroki?" The teenager asked carefully. 

Ikuko nodded slightly. "I do. The boy that you would always play with when you were little. Why do you ask?" She chirped while she continued to stir the soup around in the pan. 
Teruko raised one shoulder. "I dunno. I just... ran into him today and I was just wondering what happened to them?" The dark blonde just watched her mother sigh and shrug. So, she continued her way to her room. 

A few minutes passed and Teruko was out of the shower. Her short hair was damp and she was wearing comfy clothes. Maybe tonight could get better if she had ice cream. Chocolate ice cream seems so good right now. Though, this soup was pretty great also. Before Teruko could go into a huge rant about chocolate ice cream her phone began to ring. She looked down beside her bowl to see a unknown number. He actually called! Todoroki was on the other side of the line. She had to pick up. So with all her courage Teruko grabbed the phone and accepted the call. Later she pressed it against her ear.


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